Complaints and Compliments policy
Supported lifestyle Services is committed to ensuring that all complaints, concerns, and compliments received are responded to in a timely and appropriate manner.
Complaints, concerns, and compliments may be received by the office from our people and /or their whanau/support person, employees and other persons or organisations in a variety of ways including via phone, e mail, in writing, in person or using the complaint form or feedback form.
The person receiving the communication will establish whether the issue raised is a complaint, concern or compliment and follow the appropriate step by step process as per complaint and feedback procedural flowchart.
Complaint: An expression of dissatisfaction resulting from a perceived failure on SLS part to carry to carry out its work in accordance with the level of service and which cannot be resolved when first notified, or where the person states they wish to lay a complaint or are considering doing so.
Concern: A minor issue able to be resolved immediately by the relevant employee, resulting in closure of the matter
Compliment: A polite expression of praise, respect approval or admiration
Step by step guide to processing a complaint.
The complainant will approach Supported Lifestyle Services with the issue to discuss. Communications with the complainant will be in an open, an honest manner.
The complainant will be referred to the office administrator /management team who has the responsibility of managing complaints. However, if the complaint is against the Office administrator or the company, the complaint is referred to the Managing Director. The person the complaint is assigned to is referred to as the reviewer
The complainant is to be advised that before they proceed, they can access independent advocacy services through Health and Disability services on 0800 555 050 .email or via their website
The reviewer is to use the complaint form to document and complete the investigation process
Complaints of a serious nature including (but not limited to) allegations of abuse, neglect, serious misconduct, are to be brought to the immediate attention of the Director (CEO) Kerry Harper.
The complaint form and any other supporting documents will be available to all parties involved in the complaint and will be used as a source of improvement opportunities within the company. All documentation must be clear, objective, and concise. This information may be used as evidence in a court.
To consider the complaint the reviewer must (a) review the complaint form and any other supporting documentation and (b) investigate the issue within one working day. The complainant should have the opportunity to read the written complaint and respond to the reviewer.
The reviewer will inform the director of the complaint and the outcome of the investigation.
If the issue is not resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction, the reviewer with inform the complainant in writing of the outcome of the investigation in an open and honest manner, then move to 13. If the issue is not resolved, then move to 10.
The complaint is sent to the director who acknowledges the receipt of the complaint in writing within 3 working days.
Within 10 working days the complainant will be informed by the director whether more time is needed to investigate the complaint, how much more time and why. At the conclusion of the time specified, the director will inform the complainant in writing of the outcome of the investigation, and any actions taken by Supported Lifestyle Services
If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome, independent mediation will be considered. Independent mediation will provide an opportunity for both parties to be heard. The complainant should be given two dates to choose from and the meeting held within two weeks. The director will meet both parties with an independent mediator as facilitator. from this meeting, a final decision and any actions taken will be decided.
When the matter is resolved, duplicate documents shall be filed in the complaints folder, and in the data base and hard copied in the persons or they employee’s file.
Step by step to processing a concern.
The person will approach Supported Lifestyle Services with their concern. Communications will be in an honest and open manner.
The feedback is to be used to document the concern raised. The concern is to be addressed quickly and efficiently within 1 working day of receipt to avoid escalation of the concern to a complaint.
A person we support may complete and submit a feedback form to raise their concern. They will then be asked if they would like the outcome of the investigation into their concerns to be communicated to them in writing or by phone and respond accordingly.
The feedback form and any other supporting documentation will be used as a source of improvements within the company
When the concern is resolved, duplicate documents shall be placed in the persons folder and uploaded to the data base
A copy of the feedback form is to be forwarded to the director a spart of clinical governance reporting
Step by step guide to processing compliments
The person with the compliment will approach Supported Lifestyle Services with their feedback.
The feedback form is used to document the compliment.
A person we are supporting may complete and submit a feedback form to provide the compliment.
The person being complimented is to be advised of the feedback.
A copy of the compliment will be placed in the feedback folder, on the persons file and documented in the company’s database
A copy of the compliment is to be forwarded to the director as part of clinical governance.